GPU-based workloads as a part of Airflow DAGs


Apache Airflow fits great as a Spark jobs orchestrator. It can easily start applications on existing Hadoop clusters, or even start a new cluster for each job with AWS EMR or similar on-demand clusters cloud providers. But can it be useful if there is a need to add some GPU-based heavy ML model training?

It turns out that when connected properly, Airflow DAGs allow you to run part of your process on custom GPU-based nodes inside AWS with AWS Batch as a middleware. In this setup you pay only for the time you actually use the machine so it is very cost efficient as well. Read an article describing how I implemented a pipeline with mixed:

  • classic Big Data proceses with Spark and
  • custom step that trained the model using GPUs

in one of my projects at Fandom. Link to the article:

Written on May 29, 2019